EveryMundo LLC. 应用

Luminota News
EveryMundo LLC.
Luminota is a multilingual news app. We’rehereto break down language barriers keeping important stories outofreach. Our writers analyze and translate news stories fromleadinginternational news outlets and provide updates andsummaries in yournative language.To understand the news from all angles, knowledge cannot belimitedto one source or one language. Our multilingual address thiskeyproblem. We monitor the leading, international voicesofindependent journalism and give you the facts and opinions youneedto know.Luminota’s news updates are credible, interesting, andhandpickedfrom a diverse range of topics. We also include usergeneratedcontent to provide additional context and backgrounddetails aboutthe worlds of politics, business, science, technologyandculture.Our multilingual app gives you access to stories you may not findinyour current sources of news. Our perspectives are globalandinternational—we’re striving to provide a wider view than whatyoumight get in your favorite American or British news source.We've been hard at work leading up to our first issue oftheLuminota News mobile app. If you have any thoughts, suggestions,orquestions feel free to contact us at support@luminota.com.Wealways welcome the input of our readers.Features:• No need to spending time sifting through the news.Ourmultilingual writers give you access to the stories you needtoknow in your home country and from across the world.• Luminota’s headlines are written and curated by ourowneditorial staff from the best sources and links to thosesourcesare provided within each summary in case you wantmoreinformation.• We analyze multiple leading news sources in multiplelanguagesso you don’t have to rely one just on voice. Theperspective youget will be truly global because it’smultilingual.• You can change your language at any time from the articlemainpage. Discover the news from another part of the world inanotherlanguage.• Browse by news category to delve more deeply into aparticularsubject that interests you.• Receive notifications at a time of your choosing whenyourstories of the day are ready.• Share stories that you find interesting with your friendsandfamily via email, messaging, or Facebook & Twitter.